Library Opening FAQ

Library Opening FAQ

General information and frequently asked questions.

New Hours

Monday          9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday          9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday    9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday        9:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Friday              9:00 am – 1:00 pm

  • Do I have to wear a mask?

    Until further notice, all patrons and staff will require a mask when inside the library. We also recommend using the hand sanitizer located in the lobby when entering or exiting the building.

  • Are you still offering curbside pick-up?

    We are! If you are unable or uncomfortable going inside the library, we will still fulfill hold requests for you to pick-up.

  • Can I bring my family or group?

    We are not currently limiting how many people can visit the library. We do ask that you maintain social distancing of 6 feet and limit your visit time to 1 hour. Library use will be limited to borrowing and returning materials and computer use. Meeting rooms are also unavailable at this time.

  • When can I use a computer or WiFi?

    Computers can be checked out at any time when the library is open, and use is limited to 1 hour visits. WiFi is still available outside the building for extended use, and inside for brief visits.

  • Is there a limit on borrowing?

    At the moment patrons can borrow 2 DVDs instead of 3 DVDs. We also ask that you continue to limit your hold requests to 5 adult books and 10 juvenile books.

  • I still have items I borrowed before the shutdown. Will I be charged late fees?

    No. All borrowed items had their due dates extended for several months to prevent any late fees. Items can still be returned to our drop boxes outside.

  • What else should I know?

    Please only return items to the drop boxes; do not return them to the circulation desk. We still quarantine returns for a few days before they are made available. At this time, we are also not taking book donations or permitting volunteers to work.